Newsletter Article by Makayla Nepp, Spiritual Ministry Team Member

I came across this bible teaching in my bible reading and thought it was very good. I wanted to share it
with you all. I am copying it down word for word. None of this is my own. I hope you enjoy it, chew and
digest what is written here.
2 Corinthians 5:10 – “For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.”
This is titled, “The Judgement Seat of Christ.”
“In Greek, the word for the amount of ground covered by one foot-bema, a single pace (Acts 7:5)-
ultimately referred to the step leading up to a raised platform and then the platform itself. Such platforms
were common in biblical times, just as they are in ours. It is simply convenient for the one who is speaking
to stand higher than those spoken to, as when Ezra the scribe mounted a raised platform to read the Law
to the assembled postexilic Israelites in Jerusalem.
By NT times, bema was also used to refer to a throne-a seat for royalty higher than one’s subjects
– as in the throne of Herod (Acts 12:21). But with royalty came royal pronouncements and judgements,
and bema became the word for “judgement seat.” That is how it occurs most frequently in the NT. Pontius Pilate sat on a “judgement seat” when judging Christ (Matt 27:19), and the apostle Paul stood before
various Roman officials in courts of judgement (Acts 18:12; 25:6).
When it came time for Paul to choose an image to represent Christ’s evaluation of His followers’
lives at the end of the age, bema was the obvious choice: “For we must all appear before the judgement
seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or
evil” (2 Cor 5:10; see also Rom. 14:10: “For we will all stand before the judgement seat of God”).
The phrase “good or evil” in 5:10 could lead one to think this judgement will be the basis of salvation – the “good” being saved, the “evil” unsaved. But salvation is not its purpose. Because “all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23), no amount of good deeds can qualify a person for
salvation. The reality of our sin since the Fall means that no effort, no matter how virtuous, will earn us
merit toward salvation in God’s eyes. Rather, this judgement is a believer’s judgment, where Christ assesses their earthly works to determine rewards for faithfulness.
First Corinthians 3:11-15 is the clearest passage in the NT on Christ’s judgment of believers. While
Paul does not mention the judgement seat in this passage, it is certainly what he had in mind. Paul was
addressing division in the church at Corinth-cliques of believers were following different leaders. Each
leader is important, Paul writes, but God provides the results-“each will receive his wages according to his
labor” (1Cor 3:8). But the primary criterion for rewards is whether the work was done in the name of Jesus
for the building up of the local church.
When Christ evaluates what believers have “constructed” with their lives, it will survive the fire of
judgement if built with spiritual “gold, silver, [and] precious stones,” but it will be consumed if built of “wood,
hay, [or] straw” (1 Cor 3:12). Work done for Christ and His glory will be rewarded; that which is revealed to
have been not for Christ but for oneself will “suffer loss.” The Christian will be saved, but their work will be
destroyed along with the hope of rewards (1 Cor 3:14-15).
More than one kind of crown to be given to believers for their service is mentioned in the NT: an
“imperishable” crown (1 Cor 9:25), a “crown of righteousness” (2 Tim 4:8), a “crown of life” (James 1:12), and
a “crown of glory” (1 Peter 5:4). Christ even issued a warning to the church in Philadelphia to remain strong in
the faith “so that no one may seize [their] crown” (Rev 3:11). There is reason to believe that those crowns will
ultimately be returned to Christ as a way of honoring His glory and power (Rev 4:10,11).
Just as there will be degrees of punishment for those who have rejected God (Luke 12:47, 48), so it
appears there will be degrees of reward for those who have served Christ faithfully (Luke 19:16-19). The most
important aspect of the doctrine of rewards is that what we do in this life will impact the life beyond: “Do
not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap” ( Gal 6:7). The promise
of rewards tells us that ” in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Gal 6:9). “


Pastor’s Pen

Luke 6
24 “But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. 25 “Woe to you who are full now, for you shall be hungry.
“Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep. 26
“Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.
In recent days, as you all are aware, and as I pointed out on Sunday, November 17th, 2024 during one of our Prophecy Point’s, it
is no secret that some things have crept into the church (as
whole, not our congregation in particular)… it is known as the
New Age Religion – though it is really the same Old Age Paganism. Today, not only is it known as New Age, it is also known as
Luciferian Belief. I plan to do a much more in-depth Prophecy
Point on it in the days ahead, but for now I have just four points
to make.
When I look at the Scriptures, specifically the passage above, I
noticed a trend that started centuries ago, when the Pharisees,
Sadducees and Essenes (all sects of Judaism) embraced false
prophets and false teachings. They were influenced not only by
Solomon, due to the influence of the women he married and had
as concubines, but also by Babylonian religious teachings and
the nations religions surrounding them. I mean, Jeremiah was
taking the false prophets and priests head on about these things,
as God commanded.
In that same vein, when Jesus was laying out the woes in the
passage above, and of course elsewhere in Scripture – false
teachings and prophets exploit others with the intentions of gain
to make this life rich.
Also, they use their eloquent speeches and find sounding arguments about being fulfilled – I can’t help but notice the idea of those who are full now will be hungry later…. The idea of a full
life, fulfilling the life we want easily is a figure of speech – those
full of their desires and full of themselves.
Note the laugh now – weep later statement Jesus makes. Interestingly – this echoes only listening to positive things, and I can’t help but think of those who always say “don’t listen to the
haters”…. I mean, what if God sent “the haters” in our
lives to humble us – like Paul had a hateful messenger of
Satan sent by the LORD to keep him from being prideful.
My final thought is of Jesus expressing the issue of everyone speaking well of a person – like the Ancient Israelites
did of the false prophets; while they spoke ill of and killed
the true prophets of God. How many times did God send
prophets with a message about sin, repentance, returning
to Him and then He would not bring the judgment they all
agreed to as part of the covenant. There is nothing wrong
with compliments, seeing a well love preacher or teacher
praised – but, if you’re preaching and teaching what God
says to, there is no way those who have itching ears will
be happy about it.
So – considering all this said, a practical and biblical summary becomes clear:
Watch out for teaching and teachers, preachers and
speakers that promise and proclaim all good and no bad,
the richest and most fulfilling life awaits you – and you can
have it now, surround yourself with only counsel that
props you up and never confronts you, and those messages and messengers (influencers) that seek to influence
and gain an audience that only praises and speaks well of
Remember, Jesus said “See that no one leads you
Prayerfully and Discerningly Submitted,
Pastor Daren Lee Barnett


Pastor’s Pen

Are you tired of being held captive by the chains of the world or your
own prison?
I am reminded of a song by a once popular band and here are the
Court is in session, a verdict is in
No appeal on the docket today just my own sin
The walls cold and pale, the cage made of steel
Screams fill the room, alone I drop and kneel
Silence now the sound, my breath the only motion around
Demons cluttering around, my face showing no emotion
Shackled by my sentence, expecting no return
Here there is no penance, my skin begins to burn
(And I said, ohh) So I held my head up high
Hiding hate that burns inside
Which only fuels their selfish pride
(And I said, ohh) All held captive out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one
I hear a thunder in the distance, see a vision of a cross
I feel the pain that was given on that sad day of loss
A lion roars in the darkness, only he holds the key
A light to free me from my burden and grant me life eternally
Should have been dead on a Sunday morning, banging my head
No time for mourning
Ain’t got no time
Should have been dead on a Sunday morning, banging my head
No time for mourning
Ain’t got no time
(And I said, ohh) So I held my head up high
Hiding hate that burns inside
Which only fuels their selfish pride
(And I said, ohh) All held captive out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one
I cry out to God, seeking only His decision
Gabriel stand and confirms, I’ve created my own prison
I cry out to God, seeking only His decision
Gabriel stand and confirms, I’ve created my own prison
(And I said, ohh) So I held my head up high
Hiding hate that burns inside
Which only fuels their selfish pride
(And I said, ohh) All held captive out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one
(And I said, ohh) So I held my head up high
Hiding hate that burns inside
Which only fuels their selfish pride
(And I said, ohh) All held captive out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one
Should have been dead on a Sunday morning, banging my head
No time for mourning
Ain’t got no time
You want to be free – Jesus and His Word are the only things that breaks
chains around the heart!!
The following is from my devotions this week, from Rylisms – How timely,
how true, how freeing!!
The Unchained Word –
“It is the Gospel for which I have to suffer imprisonment — as if I were a
criminal. But there is no prison for the word of God.” (2 Timothy 2:9, Moffatt
There is great irony in the fact that when the powers of darkness orchestrated the imprisonment of Paul through the efforts of religious fanatics — his
imprisonment became the occasion for the unleashing of the Word of God.
Had Paul NOT been locked up, there is good evidence to conclude that we
would not have much of the New Testament as we know it today.
Though Paul was bound in chains when he wrote it, there are no prison bars
strong enough to hold back God’s Word from anyone anywhere.
In the front of an old Family Bible, I found these words — “This Book contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of
sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts
are binding, its histories are true, and it decisions are immutable.
“Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains
light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the
traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword,
and the Christian’s charter. Here Paradise is restored, Heaven opened, and
the Gates of Hell disclosed.
“Christ is its Grand Subject, our good its design, and the Glory of God its
end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet.
“Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise
of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened at the
judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility,
rewards the greatest labor, and condemns all who trifle with its holy contents.
This volume is the Word of GOD.”
The Word of God cannot be chained — and it will therefore break every
chain that holds you back from fully, freely and faithfully following God.
Seeking God’s Best with You,
Pastor Daren



As ambassadors, we are representatives of our homeland – heaven, and are assigned to a foreign land – earth , the devil’s world.
Some of us who have been assigned overseas have an idea of what it is like to be in a foreign land as a US citizen, carrying out a mission for the USA in a land that may or may not be friendly.
So as citizens of Heaven, we are called to carry out God‘s mission here on earth; even though we may face hostility, we are to remain focused on our mission and bring glory to our spiritual authority.
If the nation in which we have ambassadors becomes too hostile and or on the brink of war, the nation will recall it’s ambassadors. So shall it be in the case of the resurrection of the church . God closes his embassy, the church, and calls His ambassadors home. Before the time of the devil’s desperation and intensified stage of the angelic conflict plays out on earth.
If God‘s plan for the individual believer is complete before the resurrection, the believer will receive his PCS orders, permanent change of station in the form of physical death and so shall ever be with the Lord.
So in conclusion, we are in this world, but not of this world. Even though chaos and evil reign on this planet, we can rest in absolute confidence that in our permanent home, will know no evil, sin, pain, or sorrow.
By Mitch Jenkins, Spiritual Ministry Team Member


Of Harvest and Seasons

Isn’t it interesting how life has a rhythm – not just the 60 second cycle, the 60 minute cycle, the hour/day/week/month/year thing. But the rest, plant, grow, harvest cycle. The lengthening and shortening of our days, the freshness an growth of new life followed by the drying an death of the very thing we have been working on to grow and produce.
I notice as I drive the chaser tractor towards the light – at times the air is so full of chaff and debri that I can’t find my target. It’s lost in the chaos caused by the separation of the good grain from the dead plant. The letting go of the worldly gains to produce spiritual fruits. And then, there’s the light – Jesus – the beacon in the fullness of the harvest night.
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap,
If we do not give up.” Galations 6:9
Plant the seeds of God’s word into hearts, minds and souls, fertilize it with praise and fellowship, tend it with the communion of the saints, cultivate it with God’s word and may our salvation be complete by God’s harvest of our souls. Don’t lose sight of The Light of the World – our Rock and Salvation.
By Ann Krause, Spiritual Ministry Team Member


Pastor’s Pen

On Assignment by Jesus: 1 Peter 1:1a
“I, Peter, am an apostle on assignment by Jesus, the Messiah” (The Message)
“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ” (ESV)
Have you ever considered that you are on assignment by Jesus? And not just any ol’ assignment, but the most important assignment of your life!
The term apostle in Biblical Greek is apostolos. It means a delegate, an ambassador, officially a commissioner of Christ, a messenger, a sent one with a mission.
What an extraordinary and serious thing this is, to be on assignment by Jesus, to be appointed as a particular person to a specific use. Os Guinness wrote, “Our passion is to know that we are fulfilling the purpose for which we are on earth. All other standards of success – wealth, power, position, knowledge, friendships – grow tiny and hollow if we do not satisfy this deeper longing.”
Deep in every heart is the God-planted desire to live a life that makes a difference. Many spend their lives looking for that one thing to which they can give their all. Somehow, we human beings are never happier than when we are expressing the deepest gifts God has given that are truly us. The truest way to fully express those gifts is by being on assignment by Je-sus.
How wonderful it is to be able to say, “I am on assignment by Jesus.” All my talents, gifts, abilities, experiences, discover-ies, longings, dreams, thoughts, and labors are focused on doing His bidding at this time, in this place, for this reason.
We are born and saved for more than “such a time as this….” (see Esther 4:14). Of course, God’s intentional placing us in this nation, in this time, in this season, in this moment (see Acts 17:27) is part of our assignment from Jesus…. But, I am convinced and convicted that there is a very specific, special, hand picked assignment, maybe assignments, for each be-liever throughout the ages. What kind of pondering, seeking and searching have you done to find out? Have you asked (prayed to) the LORD to reveal the assignment(s) Jesus wants you to complete? You, dear Christian, will never be fulfilled until you know, until you enter into the assignment(s) and fulfill what Jesus has called you to…. Don’t settle for less than the LORD wants for you, don’t think it is the simple life, free from trouble and pain, don’t think it isn’t worth chasing, learning, doing – for it will make eternal impact! In fact, this is one of the sins that separates us from the LORD and makes us to fall short of the Glory of God that He in-tends for us. Not to mention, we will miss the opportunity, as the Word of God tells us, if we remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise from another…. Seeking Jesus’ Assignments Along With You,
Pastor Daren


Can Anyone Have an Impact For Christ?

For those of us who are not the preachers and teachers in the world, is it possible for us to still have a big impact for Christ? Is it possible that we share the gospel with those we come in contact with even if we aren’t giving a full sermon or lesson to every person who we see in the day? I am not skilled in writing, (so my wife is helping me with this) or putting my thoughts into lengthy sermons, so how can I (we – the common people) impact the world and have an opportunity to bring others to know Christ even in our day-to-day work?
In daily conversations we have the chance to lead people to Christ. In our actions and how we handle business we have the opportunity to be Christ-like or to not. Those choices are ones we can make each day. Even without fully quoting scripture, we can speak His truths. We have the choice to mentor those around us in a good and Godly way (or we can choose to only care about ourselves, our own business, and what benefits us). Galatians 5:13 “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge in the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”
There is a dichotomy right now over freedom. Free for me – to murder babies – but not for thee – to speak freely whether true or false in another person’s opinion. What is interesting is the word “liberal” means “willing to respect or accept be-havior or opinions different from one’s own;” which is exactly the opposite of what we are seeing right now with censor-ship, fact checking, etc. When actual lawlessness is running rampant. It is obvious we need to use the freedom we have left to bring people to know God – the name to which one day every knee shall bow. (Romans 14:11)
Going back to Galatians 5:13 “serve one another humbly in love.” The act of serving others, leading with humility and not expecting praise for our actions, and treating others with love – doing unto others as we would want done unto us – we are bringing Christ into our everyday work. As these relationships are built, we may even have the opportunity to share the complete gospel. Mitch shared about those opportunities a couple Sundays ago in his sermon.
I do believe that even if we are not the preachers and teachers of the world, we do have a chance to impact the world for Christ. Just as Jesus called the fisherman and tax collector to follow Him and do His work, we too are called to be disciples of Christ in all that we do. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witness-es in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) We are now the disciples in all the world to do His work in our daily lives.
Andrew Hervey, Spiritual Ministry Team Member


Your Voice Can Make a Difference By Ronda Cooper, Spiritual Ministry Team Member

Lord, we ask that Your Word may chasten us whenever we go astray.
May it enlighten us whenever for a moment we get into darkness.
May Your Word be the supreme ruler of our being.
May we give ourselves up to its sacred law to be obedient to its every hint, wishing in all things, even in the least things, to do the will of God from the heart and to have every thought brought into captivity in the mind of the Spirit of God.
May the Proverbs furnish us with wisdom, the Psalms comfort us, the Gospels teach us the way of holiness and the Epistles instruct us in the deep things of the Kingdom of God.
Charles Spurgeon: Prayer and Spiritual Warfare-The Presence of the Word.
We stand again at a crossroads, and at each corner of this intersection are factions demanding to be followed with each pressing hard their ideology and raising their voices to drown out the other three and yet somehow they manage to find a common enemy – Jews and Christians. So it is that we watch and see today that many are struck with a heavy hand for not bending a knee to the prince of this world.
Even in the spiritual realm there are boundaries set upon those that would do the work of the devil. The four houseman of the Apocalypse have boundaries they cannot cross Rev.9:15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. The devil must get permission to tempt to seek to destroy Job 1:12 The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”
Evil has boundaries!  It is like the sea when God created the heavens and the earth Proverbs 8:29a when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command.  Reaffirming that God is in control of all of creation!
It is the chaos leading to those boundaries that consumes so much in only moments!
Job suffered great loss and Jesus gave warning to Peter to be aware.  Luke 22: 31:32 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.
Do we talk with each other about what concerns us?  We are where we are today because we did not want to talk about those same things. Many saw them coming down the track like a freight train but turned their head as it went by. Because of our decision to leave the decisions up to others; we no longer find that we have any say in matters of great importance.
Nothing that men want to hear anyway!
This is why there is such great need today for members of the body to come together to pray for one another.
The condition of the church may be very accurately gauged by its prayer meetings… If God be near a church, It must pray. And if He be not there, one of the first tokens of His absence will be slothfulness in prayer – Charles Spurgeon
Today more than ever in the spiritual battles being fought upon the earth it is very important to keep the Pastor in prayer, to keep the spiritual ministry leaders in prayer, to keep the Sunday school teachers lifted up ~ especially those who are teaching the next generations. It is important to keep one another lifted up and encouraged. One of the ways that we can do this is by coming together for a prayer meeting seeking God’s face and His hand.
When you come, do not come worried about what your prayer sounds like, come with a heart that is focused on God and speak to Him about the things that concern you, we are there to support your concerns and to petition God that His answers may come to whomever or whatever the prayer goes up concerning.
Do we believe that God is in control or do we mouth the words hoping that others will believe what we cannot?
In times like we are in, we should have more than a handful of people interceding, there is a world dying outside our doors and when we are silent, we have to ask: do we really care?
These are not questions of condemnation, but they are questions that we need to consider and take the time to talk to the Lord about. Together, with the Lord, we can move mountains, we can see people come on bended knee before the Lord, we can be a part of the healing of a community, and we can help one another find the answers to questions needing answering or give a hand in seeing answers being fulfilled. You never know how the Lord may choose to use you.
Lord, my prayer for each reading this letter is that they would be able to see how much they are needed as people of prayer. There are many jobs and many tasks that are presented before us and the laborers are few. Many Lord will feel that they do not have the gifts or the skills to speak, to write, to lead, to pray with others and so, Lord, I ask for courage for them. I ask that they be reminded that prayer is a time of sitting with You, and that they find that they get lost in prayer and forget that they are with others who have come together in agreement to present our concerns, requests and praises to You, our God and Father. Lord, may hearts be moved to speak, and freedoms come to those who feel bound to withhold themselves from meeting for prayer. May we give You our praise, may we worship You in all things, and may we understand what freedom in Christ Jesus means in our lives and then run to You, Father:; for by Your Word all things are, and will be, and there is not one thing in creation that does not submit to Your Word!
To our Almighty, Powerful and Great God and Father, I pray and ask these things in Jesus name. Amen


Pastor’s Pen

Satan in the Heart of a Believer?
I was always taught that Satan cannot enter into a believer’s heart… That is where the LORD resides, in the temple of the human heart… How could Satan get in there if God is present.
Yet – the Scriptures tells us in many ways Satan can be somewhere even where God is and manifest in the lives of God’s people…
Think about it:
First in heaven, when Satan is addressing God in the spiritual battle for Job….
Second in the world, aren’t demons and angels among us, and aren’t believers on this earth that “the god of this world” is leading to hell in a hand basket….
Third, the Psalms tell us that God is everywhere, from heaven to sheol… Satan is here and so is God….
Fourth, look at Israel in the Old Testament – demons were worshipped, false prophets listened to lying spirits and themselves,
yet – God was among the people while Satan and his cohorts run amuck through the Israelites….
Finally, the Fifth – and the focus passage of this article, Judas Iscariot the betrayer when Satan entered his heart….
Here is the passage:
Luke 22:3-6 Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve. He went away and conferred
with the chief priests and officers how he might betray him to them. And they were glad, and agreed to give him money. So he
covenanted and sought an opportunity to betray him to them in the absence of a crowd.
The word entered has the definition of coming into, arise, and to go in through…. Judas can be considered possessed as well as
the person Satan used get to Jesus….
That means – even a follower of Jesus could be the tool Satan uses to get to other believers and bring in betrayal.
The word betray has the definition of yielding up, transmit, cast, deliver up, give over, hazard, and put in prison…. Judas, led by,
listening to and controlled by Satan was conspiring with “twice the son’s of hell” and “of their father the devil” to plan a coup and
be a hazard against Jesus.
That means – even those close to LORD could turn against Him and against fellow believers becoming a hazard to them.
Why am I sharing this, why am I focusing on such a dark reality…. Jesus indicated that betrayal will be a line of demarcation and
sign of the times when His return was getting nearer and nearer, and the end of the end times was upon us. Even families would
be tore asunder by betrayal between brothers, sons, friends, in-laws and fellow believers. (see Matthew 24)
So, that being said – having seen a rise of satanic thinking in the church (meaning the church as a whole in America and across
the world) and an increase of many types of betrayal – it is important to understand that Satan inspired and Satan entered
hearts can and will and has been happening.
Now, if we look at Luke’s account above one more time, we can glean some lessons and tests to discern if betrayal is in one’s
own heart or if another around you may have gone the way of Judas and Satan has entered them.
#1 – Judas was not keeping watch over his heart. He was not paying close enough attention to the voices lobbying for his
heart’s affections. One may go the way of Judas the heart and it’s affections are not watched and guarded. Remember
“out of the heart comes evil thoughts”. So, to check if Satan has an inroad in you or others around you – check on what
your affections are set on, and take note of what others around you seem most affectionate about. Also ponder what
your own voice is saying to you and what other’s voices are saying – “For what comes out of the mouth proceeds from
the heart”
#2 – Judas was seeking out those who were already marked by Jesus as Satanically inspired and admittedly adversarial towards Him. One may go the way of Judas by seeking out those who are already against or has a beef with a fellow believer, which can in turn mean they really have a beef with Jesus to – as it is written of Jesus “The reproaches of those
who reproach you fell on me” and as recorded in Samuel “for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from
being king over them”. So, to check out if you have an adversarial spirit, ponder if you seek out or look for those who
already have a beef with a fellow believer or if those around you are doing the same and seeking out people who have a
problem with a specific fellow believer…. It might indicate that betrayal is right around the corner.
#3 – Judas let himself be bought. We know from Scripture that he helped himself to the “purse” of the Jesus and the disciples. Is it any wonder why Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write “for the love of money is the root of all kinds of
evils”. The practical lessons are not to love money and not sell out yourself or your fellow believers. Also, another practical reality is that people can be bought or can buy into something that Satan and those who he has “taken captive to do
his will”. So, the tests – ask if you “have a price”, I mean the world sates that “everyone ahs a price”…. Ask DO I easily
buy into things said, things heard, things seen without deep circumspection and thinking before buying into it. And are
others around you buying into things easily or you can sense they “have a price”…. People are bought rather readily by
others’ ideas and by what holds their affections.
#4 – Judas covenanted, joined, concurred, consented, agreed with very spiritually unsavory, bad fruit bearing priests and religious officers. Again, remember they showed their true colors and Jesus called them out and who they really belonged
to – the Devil. One may go the way of Judas by associating with those and covenanting in a posse like manner, together
against those who are against fellow believers and who are the real deal with Jesus. So – again the lessons – be careful
who you covenant with and who you seek to connect yourself with, watch out for those who are teaming up against
God’s people and against fellow believers without godly or Scriptural cause. The tests: ask what the groups of people
with whom you associate focus on, who they talk against, and if they single out individual believers. Also, use do diligence in knowing what groups or people want you to join them and why. Scripture says “A man of many companions
may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”, “Whoever hates disguises himself with his lips
and harbors deceit in his heart” and “There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make
haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”
Prayerfully and Discerningly,


Was it God or was it the enemy?

A little background before I get into my internal struggle that I most recently encountered.  1) Every night I ask God for forgiveness for the things I did or didn’t do that caused Him pain, same for my words and thoughts.  Next, I ask Him to search my heart, mind and soul and ask if there’s anything there that is not  of Him to please remove it and replace it with the fruits of the Spirit.  2) I am in most part a happily married person.  My marriage isn’t perfect, but I can’t imagine my life without him.

So what transpired happened pretty innocently.  Whenever I get groceries I always ask my hubby if there’s anything he would like.  One day he started requesting some microwavable meals so he could just pop them in when he took his lunch.  I was so excited! Most of the kids are gone and our son was doing his own meal plan and cooking for himself.. I wouldn’t have to think of what to make, did a customer come when the food was ready, was he too busy to come in at that time…none of that!  Just make my own meal and make dinner one day a week when all the kids come over for the day.

Well, as time went on there would be some days that I wasn’t home to make supper.  All was good – he did have his own food to make, but suddenly when I was thinking of what to make one afternoon I started getting these thoughts in my head such as: don’t worry about it – he’s got his meals, remember that time you spent all that time cooking and when he came in and said he wasn’t hungry, or that time when you tried a new recipe and he refused to eat it?  Remember how that made you feel?  I knew right away those thoughts weren’t right and wondered where were they coming from.  When I would cook something, I started feeling bitter and started giving in to those thoughts and I would cook less and less.  I knew something was going on inside, but why were things and feelings from the past coming up?  We weren’t fighting, everything was fine…except not cooking.

I asked God how and why was I feeling this bitterness.  These things happened in the past and I thought I had forgiven him long ago.  The words that came to mind, were: get rid of bitterness and malice; the heart is deceitful.  Of course I don’t know where these are located, so I googled the words and got the following verses:

Ephesians 4:31-32

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and railing, be put away from you with all malice; and be tenderhearted, forgiving each other, even as God also in Christ forgave you.

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick: who can understand it?’’ Like I said before, I thought I had forgiven him.  Was it possible that I was still holding a grudge?  I know the enemy likes to use our emotions and the past against us.  Was this the enemy?  I then started asking God to Help me get rid of those thoughts and feelings, and if I truly didn’t forgive him before, to help me do it now.

Todd gave me a lot of grace until he finally ran out and confronted me about it.  I didn’t argue with him.  Instead I agreed and said I knew it was a problem.  I told him of everything I said here and would really try to do much better.  Since that time, I’m back to making meals about 90% of the time.  I can see he does appreciate the meals and is going out of his way to compliment and thank me.  I am thankful that it finally came to ahead and I was able to express my feelings and he was understanding.  Thank You, God, for another prayer answered.

If this was the enemy, he no longer has the power of those feelings.  If this was God making me deal with a grudge I was holding, He made a way to deal with it and is making my life better and my marriage stronger.  To that, I say Amen!

My advise: No matter how small and petty something is bothering you; ask God for help.

By Spiritual Ministry Team Member

Jeanette Cory