Pastor’s Pen

Satan in the Heart of a Believer?
I was always taught that Satan cannot enter into a believer’s heart… That is where the LORD resides, in the temple of the human heart… How could Satan get in there if God is present.
Yet – the Scriptures tells us in many ways Satan can be somewhere even where God is and manifest in the lives of God’s people…
Think about it:
First in heaven, when Satan is addressing God in the spiritual battle for Job….
Second in the world, aren’t demons and angels among us, and aren’t believers on this earth that “the god of this world” is leading to hell in a hand basket….
Third, the Psalms tell us that God is everywhere, from heaven to sheol… Satan is here and so is God….
Fourth, look at Israel in the Old Testament – demons were worshipped, false prophets listened to lying spirits and themselves,
yet – God was among the people while Satan and his cohorts run amuck through the Israelites….
Finally, the Fifth – and the focus passage of this article, Judas Iscariot the betrayer when Satan entered his heart….
Here is the passage:
Luke 22:3-6 Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve. He went away and conferred
with the chief priests and officers how he might betray him to them. And they were glad, and agreed to give him money. So he
covenanted and sought an opportunity to betray him to them in the absence of a crowd.
The word entered has the definition of coming into, arise, and to go in through…. Judas can be considered possessed as well as
the person Satan used get to Jesus….
That means – even a follower of Jesus could be the tool Satan uses to get to other believers and bring in betrayal.
The word betray has the definition of yielding up, transmit, cast, deliver up, give over, hazard, and put in prison…. Judas, led by,
listening to and controlled by Satan was conspiring with “twice the son’s of hell” and “of their father the devil” to plan a coup and
be a hazard against Jesus.
That means – even those close to LORD could turn against Him and against fellow believers becoming a hazard to them.
Why am I sharing this, why am I focusing on such a dark reality…. Jesus indicated that betrayal will be a line of demarcation and
sign of the times when His return was getting nearer and nearer, and the end of the end times was upon us. Even families would
be tore asunder by betrayal between brothers, sons, friends, in-laws and fellow believers. (see Matthew 24)
So, that being said – having seen a rise of satanic thinking in the church (meaning the church as a whole in America and across
the world) and an increase of many types of betrayal – it is important to understand that Satan inspired and Satan entered
hearts can and will and has been happening.
Now, if we look at Luke’s account above one more time, we can glean some lessons and tests to discern if betrayal is in one’s
own heart or if another around you may have gone the way of Judas and Satan has entered them.
#1 – Judas was not keeping watch over his heart. He was not paying close enough attention to the voices lobbying for his
heart’s affections. One may go the way of Judas the heart and it’s affections are not watched and guarded. Remember
“out of the heart comes evil thoughts”. So, to check if Satan has an inroad in you or others around you – check on what
your affections are set on, and take note of what others around you seem most affectionate about. Also ponder what
your own voice is saying to you and what other’s voices are saying – “For what comes out of the mouth proceeds from
the heart”
#2 – Judas was seeking out those who were already marked by Jesus as Satanically inspired and admittedly adversarial towards Him. One may go the way of Judas by seeking out those who are already against or has a beef with a fellow believer, which can in turn mean they really have a beef with Jesus to – as it is written of Jesus “The reproaches of those
who reproach you fell on me” and as recorded in Samuel “for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from
being king over them”. So, to check out if you have an adversarial spirit, ponder if you seek out or look for those who
already have a beef with a fellow believer or if those around you are doing the same and seeking out people who have a
problem with a specific fellow believer…. It might indicate that betrayal is right around the corner.
#3 – Judas let himself be bought. We know from Scripture that he helped himself to the “purse” of the Jesus and the disciples. Is it any wonder why Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write “for the love of money is the root of all kinds of
evils”. The practical lessons are not to love money and not sell out yourself or your fellow believers. Also, another practical reality is that people can be bought or can buy into something that Satan and those who he has “taken captive to do
his will”. So, the tests – ask if you “have a price”, I mean the world sates that “everyone ahs a price”…. Ask DO I easily
buy into things said, things heard, things seen without deep circumspection and thinking before buying into it. And are
others around you buying into things easily or you can sense they “have a price”…. People are bought rather readily by
others’ ideas and by what holds their affections.
#4 – Judas covenanted, joined, concurred, consented, agreed with very spiritually unsavory, bad fruit bearing priests and religious officers. Again, remember they showed their true colors and Jesus called them out and who they really belonged
to – the Devil. One may go the way of Judas by associating with those and covenanting in a posse like manner, together
against those who are against fellow believers and who are the real deal with Jesus. So – again the lessons – be careful
who you covenant with and who you seek to connect yourself with, watch out for those who are teaming up against
God’s people and against fellow believers without godly or Scriptural cause. The tests: ask what the groups of people
with whom you associate focus on, who they talk against, and if they single out individual believers. Also, use do diligence in knowing what groups or people want you to join them and why. Scripture says “A man of many companions
may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”, “Whoever hates disguises himself with his lips
and harbors deceit in his heart” and “There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make
haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”
Prayerfully and Discerningly,

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